Welcome to the Blog of St Mary's Nursery @ The Park.
The Pavilion Corporation Park
West Park Road

We are open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00 & 1.00 - 4.00 term time.

Contact us on 01254 677788.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Monday 25th September St Marys @ The Park will take part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We are inviting parents and family members to come and join us for a drink and slice of cake, making a donation to Macmillan.  Cakes will also be available for purchase on the day to take home.

We are combining the event with a parent session as staff members and key workers will be available to talk to about how your child is settling into the new term and what key workers will be focussing on. Staff will also be available to explain how our Learning Journals work, the information we gather on your child and how it will support and develop their learning.

We are also inviting children to support our charity by decorating the Gingerbread character on the sheet sent home. This can be done using crayons, paint, sticking resources, stamps etc. Once decorated please return the Gingerbread character to nursery with a 50 pence entry fee. We will then choose a winner who will receive a prize.

We are looking for donations of home-made or shop bought cakes for our event. Please bring these into nursery by the start of the session on Monday.

Please bring some money in on the day to support our event.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone after the summer break and welcome to all our new children and families as you start your journey at St Marys @ The Park.

This term we are focusing on the topic of All About Me. We will be carrying out activities that cover the 7 areas of learning. Children will be encouraged to talk about themselves, their families, where they live and the local community. As a part of our our 'getting to know you' we will be sending out our September newsletter that tells you about some of the things you need to know about nursery. Pre-school parents will also receive additional information about how we will support your child as they enter their pre-school year and how we can work together as a team to do this.

We will also be exploring individual children's interests and including their interests in our areas of continuous provision. If your child has a particular interest then please let us know.