Welcome to the Blog of St Mary's Nursery @ The Park.
The Pavilion Corporation Park
West Park Road

We are open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00 & 1.00 - 4.00 term time.

Contact us on 01254 677788.

Monday 25 November 2019

Parents notice

Parents notice
Please be aware we have had a case of meningitis, symptoms of meningitis develop suddenly and can include:
  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above
  • being sick
  • headache
  • a rash that does not fade when a glass is rolled over it (but this will not always develop)
  • stiff neck
  • a dislike of bright lights
  • drowsiness or unresponsiveness
  • fits (seizures) 
Please see the NHS website for further information

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Children in Need-Duck Race


The winner of the duck race 2019 was BEAKWELL TART.

Nobody chose this duck so all £6.00 raised from this will be donated to BBC Children in Need.  

Could all sponsors be brought in by WEDNESDAY 20th we can calculate the total money raised. 

Thank You

Monday 18 November 2019

Goodbye & Goodluck Roxy we will miss you!

Sadly we are saying goodbye to Roxy who is moving on to pastures new. Roxy will be sadly missed by us all and we wish her the best of luck in her new role. Roxy's last day will be Wednesday 11th December. xx

Saira who has been working with us 12:00-3:15 is extending her hours and the morning parents will be seeing a lot more of her as from the 12th she will be with us full days x 

Sunday 17 November 2019

Builders site

Intent- From the cohort data  Managing feelings and behavior was identified as an area for need.

Implementation- A 'Builders site' was set up in the 'tuff spot' with one of each item, one bowl of cement and bricks to encourage the children to share and respect others wishes. 

Impact- Characteristics of effective learning
Active learning- paying attention to details
-showing satisfaction in meeting their own goals
-Being proud of how they accomplished something not just the end result 
Creating & Thinking Critically
-Thinking of ideas
-Finding ways to solve problems
-Changing strategy as needed
PSE-Making relationships
-Plays alongside others
-Interested in others' play and starting to join in 
Self confidence and self awareness
- welcomes and values praise for what they have done
-Shows confidence in asking adults for help
Managing feelings and behaviour
-Responds to the feelings and wishes of others
-Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources sometimes with support from others
C&L-Listening and attention
-Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall
-uses simple sentences
-uses pointing with eye gaze to make requests,and to share an interest
-Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts e.g. using and, because 
-Uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else in play
-Describes main story settings, events and principal characters. 
-Shows interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects
EAD-Being imaginative
-Begining to make-believe by pretending