Welcome to the Blog of St Mary's Nursery @ The Park.
The Pavilion Corporation Park
West Park Road

We are open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00 & 1.00 - 4.00 term time.

Contact us on 01254 677788.

Thursday 4 February 2016


It is now official, we have received our report from OFSTED and we can now confirm that St Marys @ The Park is OUTSTANDING!!!!

Here are the key findings from the report:

Managers are highly reflective practitioners and passionate about their drive for sustained improvement. They gather a comprehensive range of views from staff, parents, children and other professionals to support their superb self-evaluation. Staff demonstrate a consistent, shared vision for the pursuit of excellence.

Managers meticulously track the progress of individuals and groups and respond quickly when any gaps in learning are identified.

Teaching is consistently of a very high quality. Staff inspire children's desire to learn and children are motivated, inquisitive and independent. Staff are exceptionally skilled in supporting them to think for themselves and develop their ideas.

Staff have a sharp focus on developing children's fundamental skills. Children are extremely well prepared for their next stage in development, including school.

The key-person system is excellent and children rapidly build confidence. Children form very close relationships with sensitive, caring staff and their individual needs are extremely well met.

Children's health, welfare and well-being are significantly enhanced by the highly consistent implementation of robust policies, procedures and practice.
Children's behaviour is superb and relationships with staff are based on mutual respect. Staff have consistently high expectations and clear routines which children respond to with enthusiasm.

Parents are highly complimentary about the nursery. They comment that staff consistently contribute to children's happiness and excellent progress.

The full report should be available to view online soon at


please copy and paste the above link into your browser, happy reading

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations from all the team at St Mary's Nursery @ Wensley Fold x
